The new look of the shrine. What will be the reconstructed Zhirovichi Holy Dormition Monastery

15 Марта 2022 41361

Over the five centuries of its existence, the monastery was destroyed more than once.

The Zhirovichi Holy Assumption Stauropegial Monastery is rightfully called one of the main spiritual values ​​of Orthodox Christians in Belarus. Everyone who has ever been there knows that the atmosphere of this place is unique. Here is one of the most revered Christian shrines, the only miraculous image of the Mother of God in the world and the smallest stone icon on the planet.

Over the five centuries of its existence, the monastery was destroyed more than once, but every time it was restored again and again. The last stage of large-scale reconstruction took place a quarter of a century ago in independent Belarus. It was then that the buildings of the seminary, hostels, refectories were restored, repaired and recreated, the holy springs were equipped.

Today the issue of repair and modernization is again relevant and taken under personal control by the Head of State. This summer, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko visited the Zhirovichi monastery and instructed not only the monastery and its territory, but also the Zhirovichi themselves, to be finally landscaped over the next four years.

The Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, together with the Ministry of Culture and the Belarusian Orthodox Church, took up the development of an action plan for the reconstruction and modernization of the complex. By mid-autumn, a program for 2022-2025 was created and approved for the repair and restoration work of the Holy DormitionStauropegial Monastery and the agricultural town of Zhirovichi.

- In total, this plan includes 29 objects that are subject to repair or reconstruction. Previously, it includes four sources of funding: the republican and regional budgets, sponsorship, as well as the monastery's own funds. We expect that more than 60 million Belarusian rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the entire plan, says Sergey Tsaryuk, Deputy Director General of the State Unitary Enterprise UKS of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee. The specialists will start working at the beginning of this year.

ж (1).jpgBell tower, manor, stadium

First of all, the reconstruction will affect the most important historical and cultural object - the Holy Assumption Cathedral. For this purpose, design and estimate documentation has already been developed, an examination is ahead, but the list of works is already known today. First of all, the roof and facade of the building will be reconstructed, all engineering structures and communications will be replaced. Also, modern engineering and technical equipment will be installed here, for example, video surveillance, security and fire alarms, and architectural lighting of the building will appear. In addition, complex improvement and transformation awaits the territory adjacent to the monastery. The UKS region emphasizes that all work will be carried out taking into account the existing historical development.

Also in 2022, it is mainly planned to design objects: a new bell tower on the territory of the monastery, the reconstruction of the Yavlenskaya, Holy Cross and St. George churches. The fraternal buildings will be repaired. One of the buildings, by the way, was restored last year, now the remaining two are waiting for renovation. In addition, modernization awaits historical outbuildings that are part of the Zhirovichi complex, holy springs.

One of the most interesting objects to be repaired and reconstructed, Sergei Tsaryuk calls the former estate "Old Zhirovichi".

– “Old Zhirovichi” is not just a monastery courtyard, but also an important and colorful tourism object in our country. Both pilgrims and ordinary tourists constantly visit the courtyard. Its area is 55 hectares, - says Sergey Tsaryuk. This place does not leave any visitor indifferent. I am sure that after the reconstruction of the zoo, the estate will become even more picturesque and attractive.

There is another interesting idea: to reconstruct the old stadium, which belongs to the Zhirovichi Agrarian and Technical College. It is planned that the sports facility will be modernized and equipped according to all modern requirements, which will serve as a recreation area for seminarians, pilgrims, other guests and directly residents of the agro-town.

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Zhirovichi themselves are also waiting for a transformation. As it has been repeatedly emphasized at the level of the regional leadership, it is necessary to create all conditions for comfortable living and for a comfortable visit to this historical site, not only for pilgrims, but also for local residents.

- First of all, the facades of the buildings of the Zhirovichi Agrarian and Technical College and the local House of Culture will be repaired, the work will also affect the nursery garden and the school, the district hospital. The central square of the agro-town, which is located directly opposite the cathedral, will be modernized, - says Sergey Tsaryuk. – We plan to reconstruct the water supply and sewerage systems with the construction of treatment facilities. Streets and courtyards will be improved. In addition, the plan includes the repair of access roads to Zhirovichi.


Work on the territory of the monastery and in the agricultural town will be carried out in parallel. Grodno and local builders with the involvement of specialized organizations will act as contractors.

-Today, all our strengths and capabilities are directed to the maximum to adequately fulfill the President’s order and complete rather complex work in such a short period of time. All relevant services face a difficult task: theZhirovichi Holy DormitionStauropegial Monastery should become a pearl not only for clergy and Orthodox people, but for Belarus as a whole, emphasizes Sergei Tsaryuk. – We must not only modernize the architectural heritage, but also preserve the authenticity, originality and individual features of the ensemble of the monastery and the surrounding area. All this will increase the tourism potential of our region and, most importantly, will serve the spiritual education of Belarusians.

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