A chance to become a mom. From January 1, 2021 spouses in Belarus have the opportunity to make one IVF attempt for free

12 Июля 2021 33723
A chance to become a mom. From January 1, 2021 spouses in Belarus have the opportunity to make one IVF attempt for free.

- In our house there are two beautiful suns - a boy and a girl. They have been delighting us for 4 years and make every day unique. Now we can't imagine ourselves without them, talks Inga about her family and her face glows with happiness. It is difficult even to imagine how we would live if there were no modern reproductive technologies. We really wanted to become parents, we were worried that it wasn’t working out, we were afraid that we would never be able to bring a new life into this world. IVF has become our last hope.

Inga decided on IVF after 6 years of fruitless attempts to become a mother. In all respects, both she and her husband were completely healthy. They also resorted to other reproductive technologies, but they did not give results.

Fortunately, the very first IVF attempt was successful. And a lot of examinations that you had to go through before, frequent visits to doctors, taking medications literally by the hour - these are all such trifles now, compared to the great happiness of motherhood. It's not a pity for any money

Inga believes that many people postpone IVF attempts precisely because of the high cost of the procedure. The technologies used by reproductive specialists are complex and expensive. Drug therapy also costs a lot of money. In total, one IVF attempt costs between $ 3,000 and $ 5,000.

- I am very glad that other couples will have the opportunity to do IVF for free and become parents. After all, I myself remember how much my husband and I wanted it. Medicine has made great strides forward. And why not take advantage of its opportunities? I sincerely wish all couples who want children to become parents. May the coming year bring the long-awaited children's laughter to homes, says Inga.

My interlocutor admits that it is difficult for her to express in words. Her emotions are immense. They can be fully understood only when the mother has her baby in her arms. He advises everyone on the way to parenting not to give up, to tune in to positive emotions. It is important for spouses to be together all along this path, to help each other. And doctors know their stuff!

To make the modern chance to become parents available to everyone, the state has developed a program according to which married couples will be able to make one attempt at in vitro fertilization free of charge using funds from the republican budget.

According to the program, absolutely all stages of the procedure will be free. Experts are confident that such an opportunity will increase the number of people wishing to resort to IVF. In 2019, the effectiveness of IVF use in Belarus was 40.8 percent. 1,805 pregnancies out of 4,420 completed cycles were recorded, more than a thousand births were taken in women whose pregnancies resulted from the use of ART. Natalya Poluden, head of the Marriage and Family Consultative and Diagnostic Department of the Regional Clinical Perinatal Center, telld about this.

- From January 1 of the coming year, a commission will begin its work on the provision of one attempt of in vitro fertilization free of charge. In the Grodno region, the meetings will be held in the polyclinic of the regional clinical perinatal center, explains Natalya Poluden.

Free IVF procedures will be carried out in the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Mother and Child", the City Clinical Maternity Hospital No. 2 of the city of Minsk, as well as in the Gomel Regional Diagnostic Medical Genetic Center with the consultation "Marriage and Family".

- For us, of course, it is also a great happiness that the opportunities for married couples will expand, and IVF will become available to more families. Since the beginning of this year, 32 women have been delivered at the perinatal center, whose pregnancies were due to IVF. We have an individual approach to each woman in labor, we take care of everyone and help to make their dreams of motherhood come true, shared Natalya Poluden

If problems arise on the way to parenting, you must contact the clinic at the place of registration or stay. If, after the examination, the diagnosis of infertility is established, the spouses will be sent to the offices for the treatment of female and male infertility of the consultative and diagnostic department "Marriage and Family" of the polyclinic of the Grodno Regional Clinical Perinatal Center or to the family planning offices of the interdistrict departments "Marriage and Family" at the place of residence ... In most cases, the cause of infertility is the pathology of the reproductive system of one of the spouses, and in 40 percent of both, it is therefore important to simultaneously examine a man and a woman. In the departments "Marriage and Family" there is an opportunity to develop a general examination plan, a sequence of diagnostic procedures and the search for all possible modern treatment options.

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