Omicron and other viruses. The seasonal rise of acute respiratory infections has complicated the new strain of coronavirus

22 Марта 2022 41818

The healthcare system has prepared for both the rise in the incidence of acute infections.

– Now in the region, as well as in the whole country, there is a seasonal rise in acute respiratory infections, Lyudmila Keda, head of the main health department of the regional executive committee, evaluates the epidemiological situation. Compared to last week, the incidence increased by 1.7 times. The number of cases of infection among children has increased by one and a half times and by 1.9 times among the adult population. It should be noted that quite a lot of children and adults suffer from mild forms. We are now entering that season, in a similar epidsituation, which we observed once a year and in the pre-pandemic time. However, now coronavirus has a significant impact, including its strain "omicron", cases of which have been identified in the region.

This situation was predicted. The healthcare system has prepared for both a seasonal rise in the incidence of acute respiratory infections and the arrival of a new strain of coronavirus. A regional plan has been developed to organize work depending on the level of morbidity growth and patient referral. Specific activities are defined in each institution. In hospitals, stocks of personal protective equipment and medicines are maintained. 17 oxygen gasifiers, more than 1,500 oxygen cylinders, 354 oxygen concentrators are operated in the region. Over the past year, oxygen stations have been modernized in a number of institutions, the length of oxygen lines has been increased by more than two thousand meters, a new gasifier has been installed in the regional infectious diseases hospital. The work continues this year.

Оценен риск повторного заражения коронавирусом при "омикроне"Emphasis on polyclinics and outpatient clinics

In general, the level of hospitalization of patients with coronavirus in the region is at a certain plateau. Now, for example, their number is about 31.8 percent of the peak values of the last wave. Patients with coronavirus are received by four inter-district centers, as well as five hospitals in the regional center: an infectious disease hospital, a partially regional hospital for medical rehabilitation, a second city hospital, a regional center "Phthisiology" and a university clinic. There is no need to use other clinics to receive such patients (as it was before) yet. However, taking into account the incidence, the second city hospital and the regional hospital for medical rehabilitation have already suspended the planned admission of patients in order to fully deal with coronavirus infection.

Названы главные симптомы нового подвида омикрон-штамма BA.2

Due to the fact that most patients suffer from viral infections at home, as expected, the burden on outpatient and pediatric services has increased. However, they work without avrals. In particular, thanks to the experience that has already been gained during the pandemic. Reception areas have been allocated, call centers are operating, and special visiting teams have been created to serve patients at home. At the same time, planned and specialized care both in hospitals and in polyclinics is not curtailed.

– Taking into account the rise in morbidity, it is planned to revise the organization of work of polyclinics, notes Lyudmila Keda. The "red zones" will be maximized, and the "clean zones" will be reduced. Students of the medical university and students of the medical college will be attracted to work in polyclinics. We will also involve medical workers of medical units and health centers of enterprises.

В Великобритании выявили более заразный подтип «омикрона»The vaccine also works against Omicron

People who managed to get vaccinated or undergo revaccination, if they are clearly ill with the current strain of coronavirus, then for a short time. In this case, the disease passes as an acute respiratory infection, not pneumonia. The main symptoms of the "omicron" strain include sore throat, cough, runny nose, some have fever, aches and weakness. That is, these are the symptoms of a common ARI, with which the prepared, that is, the vaccinated body quickly copes.

Ковид плюс грипп. В этом году вирусы сезонного гриппа циркулируют совместно с пандемическим SARS-CoV-2

In order to preserve your health and loved ones, doctors strongly recommend that you be vaccinated against COVID-19. You can get vaccinated in almost all polyclinics, a number of outpatient clinics of a general practitioner, even in individual shopping centers. To carry out vaccination, visiting teams are created in the polyclinic teams.

Vaccination is the main and most effective way to protect yourself from the disease. Distancing, the use of personal respiratory protection equipment, and hand hygiene will also help. In these matters there is no "obligation" in our country, but everyone should understand the importance of protective measures not only for themselves, but also for others.

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